So, how was the Turkey, Tinsel, and Television? Ok, I’ll stop now. But, I do hope you have a fabulous Christmas if you celebrate it.
I’m now getting back to my ‘A to Z of Content Marketing Ideas’ in which I’ve collating a list of ideas help you think up brilliant marketing content in 2014, and beyond.
Content marketing ideas beginning with T
It’s all around us. How to get the most from it, what to do when it goes wrong, and advice on the latest gadgets, are all good subjects. Even if you’re not a technology company, it is highly likely that your customers encounter technology alongside, or in the course of using, your products or services – can you help them with that?
We’ve seen some TV programmes really capture the public imagination recently. Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad – these have all been real talking points of late. And, Strictly, X- Factor, and the Apprentice seem to have recaptured some of that TV occasion feeling that was lost in recent years due to on-demand offerings and playback. Most major programmes now have their own Twitter hashtag for related conversations. Using an appropriate programme as inspiration, you could review performances, costumes, or run your own polls on elements of the shows?
Is there something you do that could be made into a useful template of some kind? A briefing template, or a calculator tool of some kind? Perhaps you could create a useful template that is given away when people sign-up for your newsletter? Or release one weekly for particular types of subscriber or customer?
It is much better to have someone else say that your products and services are good. Third party endorsements are a really powerful tool. Are you giving people a simple way of providing testimonials? And when you have them are you making good use? A montage video of written testimonials, or a video taken at the end of an event work brilliantly.
Thank you
Saying thank you makes everyone smile. Whether it’s an annual round-up of people and businesses who’ve supported you and your company in the year, or a monthly thank you for a member of your team who’s performed particularly well, taking a moment to say thank you demonstrates your humanity and humility. (These are particularly good for ending the year. Go on, you still have time!)
It’s in short supply, and we all want to make more of what time we have. Can you give people a list of things they could do with just 10 minutes, or could you show them time- saving shortcuts related to your products and services?
Tips are simply short snippets of advice. You could do a series of 140 character tips as Tweets, or you could set-up a series of daily tips that people can request to receive by email? And, of course, a list of tips make a great blog article or video.
Do you have a venue, location or website for which you could prepare a video tour of some kind? This is great for destinations, hotels, etc. – but don’t count it out if people don’t actually visit your premises. A ‘behind-the-scenes’ tour can be really interesting and show a different side to your business.
Can you turn some of your fabulous content into more formal training? Look at your
Guides, How-tos, etc. – is there a workshop in that? Or maybe an online web seminar or simply a free webcast? Or, perhaps training is what you do for a living; can you video and use snippets to draw people in?
In the lead up to holidays, or when the transport network hits the headlines, can you offer advice, tips or guides on travel? We all need to get from A to B, we all have time on our hands whilst we do so… perhaps reading tips for airports, or productivity tips on the move… or getting the most from your products and services from the road?
Linking to Stats and Predictions, trend-spotting can make for interesting content. Could you put together a video montage of imagery that demonstrates a trend? Or perhaps you could undertake some research to indicate a trend? Or, simply stating your opinion on what you think is becoming a trend.
Turning points
Stories about turning points are fascinating. Have there been key moments in your career, your business, or your product development that people would find interesting? We all have times when things are tough, seeing how others deal with similar situations can be very engaging.
© Bryony Thomas – The Watertight Marketer.

Bryony Thomas
Author & Founder, Watertight Marketing
Bryony Thomas is the creator of the multi-award winning Watertight Marketing methodology, captured in her best-selling book of the same name. She is one of the UK's foremost marketing thinkers, featured by the likes of Forbes, The Guardian, Business Insider and many more, and in-demand speaker for business conferences, in-house sales days and high-level Board strategy days.