Flow Foundation Audit 

Sequence, select and celebrate delivering marketing activities fully aligned to your business plan.

Is your marketing on firm foundations?

Take a focused look at whether your marketing is set-up to truly support success.

Our guided Flow Foundation Audit equips you to assess your business against the Four Flow Foundations and then identify the strategic projects and actions which will have the most impact. We’ll do a deep dive with you, your team and colleagues to understand where your marketing is working well, and where it needs your focus and attention.

Flow Foundation 1

First Flow Foundation

The Right Work

To whom are you offering what?

Flow Foundation 1

Second Flow Foundation

Balanced Routine

How will you support their decision?

Flow Foundation 1

Third Flow Foundation

Baseline Rhythm

When and how often will you show up?

Flow Foundation 1

Fourth Flow Foundation

Maintain Momentum

Why and with what goals?

Rachael Wheatley

You will be guided, coached and supported through your Audit by Rachael, or one of our Certified Practitioners. She brings over 30 years’ of marketing experience, from in-house to consultancy, with a particular focus on building and developing effective marketing teams that act as a strategic driving force across an organisation. She has worked with Bryony and Watertight since 2014, joining Watertight Thinking full time as MD in 2022. Rachael has been pivotal to its practical application.

Bryony Thomas

Do you want to know where best to focus your energy for marketing success?

If you’re the person who heads up your marketing team, this guided Audit is for you. We’re quite sure you know your stuff. Perhaps you’re new in role and have been tasked with delivering a marketing strategy. You might have a business plan on which to base it – but it’s not a given that this even exists! 

Our guided Audit provides you with the tools, guidance and templates to feel confident about putting in place a marketing operation that works. You’ll be able to take the report we produce to the Board knowing you can point to where marketing needs work and, importantly, why. 

  • First Flow Foundation: The Right Work 77% 77%
  • Second Flow Foundation: Balanced Routine 57% 57%
  • Third Flow Foundation: Baseline Rhythm 37% 37%
  • Fourth Flow Foundation: Maintain Momentum 73% 73%

There are typically two types of people who get value from this:

  1. A new in role head of marketing who is up for learning and would welcome some support.
  2. A marketing leader wanting to embed marketing within the whole business.

Whichever of these you are, you’re looking to ensure the business plan is translated into a robust marketing plan. You want to get the leadership team’s input on strategic marketing issues and build a stellar marketing operation. 

Hands up if any of this rings a bell…

Your marketing operation isn't delivering

You might already do marketing, but it’s not having the effect or impact you want it to and you’re not sure why. Perhaps your sales, marketing and services are not working closely enough together.

You'd like more ideal buyers to turn into paying customers

You don’t have a measurement framework in place that will track your prospects’ progress through a buying journey and you don’t have the right marketing in place to support them on that journey.

Low customer retention or engagement

Your sales team might be doing a great job winning new customers, but for some reasons, those customers aren’t staying. 

Not sure how profitable your products or services are

You have people buying your what you sell, but you’re not sure which customers and products or services you need to focus on that will provide profit to the business and motivation for your staff. 

Your team are unclear on their part in the plan

This is a symptom of them not knowing the direction of the business, the long and short-term vision and plan and their part in helping to achieve that.

This is how it works

A mix of self-guided learning, use of tools and templates, coaching and guidance. A done-with-you meaty strategic report.

Get started...

  • 4 videos to introduce each Foundation.
  • Kick off strategy call.
  • Run assessment with a group of colleagues.
  • Collate and interpret the data with our help.

Dig deeper

  • 5 in-depth interviews with key people (you sit in).
  • Set of questions to ask for future use.
  • Guidance on how to include this data in the report.

Write the report

  • Complete with our help.
  • Identify headline and detailed observations.
  • Create action plan.
  • Talk through presentation to the Board. 

There for you

  • Several sessions for guidance, discussion and questions.
  • Community for support and celebration.
  • Follow-up session for feedback and reflection.

Flow Foundations Audit 

Not sure? Book a call with Rachael to talk through the audit, its benefits and outcomes and see if it’s right for you.

Your Questions Answered

Who is this the Audit for?

We find that the Audit is most useful for new in post heads of marketing or marketing directors or those who are finding it difficult to position marketing strategically in the organisation. If this is you and you want access to support, processes, structure and a tried and tested frameworks and tools, this is a good way of gaining leadership buy-in to marketing and setting out how you want to improve the marketing operation and its impact.

When can I start?

You can start at any time, subject to your and our diaries for the coaching sessions. All you need to do is to Book your Audit with the button on this page or confirm via email following a call.

How much time will I need to get value from this?

You’ll end up with a wide-ranging, meaty strategic report so it will take a chunky investment of your time. Allow 3-4 days over the period of time we’ll work together.

Is this online or in person?

This is all done online, so you can join from wherever you are. Live calls are conducted using Zoom or Teams, and all resources are delivered via your personal login to Watertight Webschool from your desktop or via the app.

What if I miss a session?

We get a bit grumpy. These sessions will be booked in advance to suit both our diaries. We will try our best to rearrange but can’t guarantee we’ll be able to do that in the timescale of the Audit.

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