Mobilising the goodwill of happy customers is so powerful. I’ve recently started using Receipt Bank, and there’s a little thing they do that I thought I’d share with you. Now, we have nothing to do with this bit of marketing cleverness, but it does demonstrate some of the core Watertight Marketing principles beautifully.
Personalised benefits messaging in perfect context…
Here’s the Dashboard that I log into weekly to process the receipts I’ve been snapping away on my phone or emailing to my individual Receipt Bank email address. They transcribe everything from the receipt, and I simply pop in, use drop downs to choose how to file it, and then send it on into my accounting system.
They’ve calculated how much time manual data entry of this info would take, and totted up how much time their system has saved me. Or, in my case, the time of my amazing husband who has diligently fitted our bookkeeping in around a demanding full-time job for over four years!
They’ve estimated this as 3 Hours 12 Mins. This is personalised benefits messaging, and it maps to Leak 1 – Forgotten Customers in the Watertight Marketing Touchpoint Leaks™ diagnostic.
- Read: What are the Thirteen Touchpoint Leaks?
- Chapter reference: Chapter 2, and Chapter 6 in Watertight Marketing
What they are also doing very cleverly here is putting the ‘Towards’ message of what I wanted to achieve by buying from them right there… in the place where I am most likely to feel a bit despondent because I’m still doing a bit of admin. It’s a virtual hug at just the right moment. This maps to the bottom part of our Logic Sandwich™ messaging framework.
- Read: Are you serving up a Logic Sandwich?
- Chapter reference: Chapter 3 in Watertight Marketing
One click turns happy customers into Taps for new business…
It doesn’t stop there. Now they have me feeling good about what I’ve bought, and the benefits it’s bringing, the moment is right to signpost how I can tell the world about it. This is where you turn Loyal customers in Taps for your business. With one click I can Tweet or post a Facebook shout about my time savings.
Imagine if one in 100 people who log in to the dashboard every day do this? Now, I don’t know their real volumes, but this seems achievable. I wonder how much they’d need to spend on a Twitter ad or Boosted post to reach as many of their customers’ network.
Happy customers are the most powerful proof for prospects…
There’s another really important note here, and that’s the organic nature of the customer shares makes them even more effective precisely because it’s not a paid ad. The Like here on my Tweet is from a Bristol-based small business accountant, and I’m guessing they are a reseller.
They can RT these customer shares, or even embed them in a Page to act as Proof for the product they are recommending. This maps to Leak 6 – No Proof in the Watertight Marketing Touchpoint Leaks™ diagnostic.
Triple bonus from one small feature
This is one hard-working little feature. Let’s count up the value they’re squeezing from this:
- Existing customers are reminded of why they bought, and it’s made totally relevant to them.
- They reach into the networks of their customers without paying a penny.
- The organic nature of the testimonial makes is powerful proof for any prospect assessing the tool.
So, how could you incorporate something similar into your infrastructure that does these three important jobs in such a simple and elegant way?
© Bryony Thomas – The Watertight Marketer

Bryony Thomas
Author & Founder, Watertight Marketing
Bryony Thomas is the creator of the multi-award winning Watertight Marketing methodology, captured in her best-selling book of the same name. She is one of the UK's foremost marketing thinkers, featured by the likes of Forbes, The Guardian, Business Insider and many more, and in-demand speaker for business conferences, in-house sales days and high-level Board strategy days.
[Accredited Consultant] If they’d also included a unique hashtag in the automatic tweet they could then encourage prospective customers to search for it to easily see for themselves who is saving time using the product.