Posts on the Touchpoint Leaks
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Creating a Customer-Centric Culture
A lot of companies say they have the customer at the heart of their approach, but does that really stand up to scrutiny? In this month’s roundtable we discussed what makes for customer-centricity and how to overcome some of the hurdles in achieving it
Growing business through increased volume
In Bryony’s original blog ‘Growth: Do you want lifetime value, margin or volume?’, she explained the different types of growth a business can achieve through putting the right kind of marketing in place across the customer journey. She also explained how the Watertight Marketing methodology maps across that journey, and can be used to identify, prioritise, and address any gaps.
In this article, we take a deeper look at the ‘volume’ part of that concept, and how it relates to what many people think is marketing: generating leads
How marketing helps you find the right prospects
In a blog I wrote recently, I mentioned that one of the four growth strategies was looking for like-minded prospects. This is step two of the process we’d recommend to help you find, win and keep more of the right clients. We’re looking here at two things. Firstly, it’s how you go about finding more clients. Second, how you can funnel and filter the right clients to make sure you’re spending your time on those most likely to convert.
Looking for treasure in your own back yard
We’ve come into contact with 1000’s of businesses over the years. Whichever sector they’re in, however large or small they are, however their marketing is organised, there’s one common theme. Forgotten customers. It’s the marketing leak we most frequently see and it’s the first place to start if you’re looking for stability and growth.
What to insource and what to outsource
As any in-house marketer will tell you, there will come a time when you might need to use external specialists. There are all sorts of factors involved in deciding what to keep in-house and what might need outsourcing.
Using Metrics to get Buy-in From Your Colleagues
Are you getting results you and your business needs from marketing? Since you’re investing time, energy and money on marketing, you’ll no doubt be thinking (and others asking) about value for money, return on investment and how to measure marketing success.
How do you get buy-in to your marketing budget?
Getting the backing of your board for the marketing budget you need to do a good job is a key skill of a client-side marketer. If you’re getting push back on your budget requests, here are three key ways to get better buy-in by distinguishing the three marketing budgets, index-linking your requests, and using Visual Budgeting to express your rationale.
Does your business have a common language?
Without having a common definition, and alignment on what marketing is, does and how it works, the likelihood of making great decisions is pretty low. So, let’s look at how you reach a common language.
Marketing, sales and service – who does what, when?
In various forms, I get asked the difference between sales and marketing almost weekly. Underlying this question is the oft cited discontent between the disciplines, and a desire to get them working more harmoniously together. In answering this question, I have to also bring in service – because what we’re talking about here is supporting an end-to-end customer journey
Do you have the tools to match your skills?
You can grow a business on sales skills alone, but why would you make your life harder than it needs to be. Investing in tools to match your skills will get you further faster. In this post, Bryony looks at the difference between tools and skills and why a scaling business needs both.
How Inside Travel Group got their marketing stars aligned
“A printed copy of the Watertight Marketing Team Alignment and Benchmark engagement report has been on my desk permanently since I received it well over a year ago because we refer to it all the time as a guiding light for our ongoing marketing decisions.” Simon King, Director
Josef Elliott: “Half of our customers didn’t know half the stuff we did”
Josef Elliott of Oyster IMS walks you through his Watertight journey with the assistance of Gordon Ramsey, Grayson Perry, Stephen Fry, Dolly Parton, and Status Quo.